Wireless Sensor Network is a new technology, which can be used to acquire, process and transmit information. It has many self-organized multi-hop wireless network's distributed sensors. As wireless sensor network has many merits, such as fast establishing network, flexible network and not restrained by wired network, it can be used in many different environments, such as emergent search, disaster aid, military, medical treatment and so on. Therefore, it has a blog new shirts 2010 wide range of applications in the future.As wireless sensor network has many unique characteristics, such as limited hardware resources, limited energy, data-centric, self-organization, multi-hop routing, dynamic topology, a large number of densely distributed nodes and so on, many existing routing protocols cannot apply to it. Therefore, it is important to design an energy-efficient wedding gowns dresses and robust routing protocol in wireless sensor network. Under such a background, this thesis does a research of sensor network's routing protocols. It gives an introduction of wireless sensor network's concept, present situation of developments and differences with other networks. It analyzes routing protocol's new wedding dresses characteristics, factors of design and describes sensor network's concept and architecture. It studies several typical routing protocols. To counter shortcomings of these protocols, such as high energy consumption and short life, this thesis proposes an improved algorithm based on mini-hop based routing cheap evening dresses protocol, which uses transmission delay, setting threshold and mata-data to improve min-hop's performance.In the end, the thesis analyzes the improved routing protocol in theory and makes simulation on NS2. From results of the experiment, we can see that the improved discount wedding gowns routing protocol lowers energy consumption of the network and prolongs network's life.
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